International Summer School on Leading Edge

Thanks giving Message from Prof. K. Chandrasekaran!
Our Summer School concluded on 8th Saturday. We wish to convey our sincere thanks to:

  • All speakers in the summer school
  • All participants (includes people from other colleges besides NITKians)
  • All Volunteers
  • All those who directly or indirectly contributed to the success of this summer school.

You are welcome to give suggestions, Please contact to the coordinator kch[at]nitk[dot]ac[dot]in

The International Summer School on Leading Edge Software Engineering intends to provide a contribution to academicians, researchers and practitioners and IT industry software designers and developers on latest findings in the field of Software Engineering.
The invited lectures are from internationally recognized research leaders and will cover very relevant topics for the scientific community, including cloud and service-oriented architectures, web engineering, model driven software engineering, design patterns, software refactoring, reverse engineering and reengineering, mining software repository, empirical software engineering, collaborative software development, and social and human aspects of software engineering.
The program of the school will aim at creating discussion forums between lecturers and industrial and academic attendees. Models & methods, Tools and Technologies and Case Studies & applications will enrich the participants to gain more knowledge in this domain and would encourage to further stimulate the discussion.


Prof. Swapan Bhattacharya,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
Surathkal, Mangalore, Karnataka.


K. Chandrasekaran,
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Coordinator - ISS-LESE 2014,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Srinivasnagar PO, Surathkal, Mangalore 575025 , India.
Phone: +91 824 2474000 Extn 3400
Fax: +91 824 2474033
Email: techevents[dot]cse[at]gmail[dot]com

Registraion is closed

Registration Starts: 14/02/2014

Registration Closes: 28/02/2014

Selection Notification: 01/03/2014

ISS-LESE 2014 Starts: 03/03/2014

ISS-LESE 2014 Ends: 08/03/2014


  1. Confirmed speakers and their sessions titles are given below.
  2. Some more speakers from other organizations / universities of internationally repute are also expected to join this event.
  3. There will be some demonstration of tools related to software engineering (will be updated soon).
  4. Apart from conventional presentation sessions, there will be interaction / discussion sessions too with the speakers on every day in order to update / identify the potential research areas /current trends.





1. Dr. Barrett R. Bryant, University of North Texas

Grammar Inference Technology Applications in Software Engineering

2. Dr. Kaliraj, DELL R&D

Agile Business Benefits – DELL’s case study


1. Dr. Barrett R. Bryant, University of North Texas

Challenges and Directions in Formalizing the Semantics of Modeling Languages

2. Dr. Murlikrishna R, IISc Bangalore

Trace driven dynamic deadlock detection and reproduction.

3. Dr. K.V.Raghavan, IISc Bangalore

Null deference verification using weakest pre-conditions analysis.

4. Dr. K.V.Raghavan, IISc Bangalore

Precise slicing using term rewriting and abstract interpretation


1. Mr. Ganesh Samarthyam G, Latitide Edutech

Adopting SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge)

2. Dr. Raghu Babu Reddy, IIIT Hyderabad

Usability Engineering

3. Mr. Rathnakumar G, SAP Labs

Agile Software EngG with case studies

4. Mr. Rathnakumar G, SAP Labs

Design Thinking with case studies

5. Mr. Ben Walters, Microsoft

Data Driven Software Development


1. Dr. Raghu Babu Reddy, IIIT Hyderabad

Refactoring in Software Engineering

2. Mr. Ganesh Samarthyam G, Latitude Edutech

Refactoring for Design Smells

3. Dr. Diptikalyan Saha, IBM Research

Tracing, Fault Localization, and Repair of Data-Centric Programs


1. Prof. Umesh Bellur, IIT Bombay

Software Engineering issues in Cloud computing

2. Prof. Umesh Bellur, IIT Bombay

Adaptive Service Orientation

3. Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni, Infosys LABS

Future of Software Engineering Reuse via APIs

4. Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni, Infosys LABS

Analytics meets Software Engineering – Myriad Uses of Mining Software Repositories

5. Dr. Suman Roy, Infosys LABS

Design patterns for specification of formulas.

6. Dr. Suman Roy, Infosys LABS

A user guided approach to generate formal (logical) specifications of properties


1. Dr. Neil Davidson, Australia

Software Engineering Process Quality: A Perspective-Based Model


Online registration is MUST to attend this International Summer School on Leading Edge Software Engineering (ISS-LESE 2014).

Before registration read the instructions given below:

Registration Procedure:

  1. Fill the registration form that was sent with Brochure.
  2. Pay the registration fee (if applicable) as DD.
  3. Scan the duly filled registration form and the DD (PDF format only accepted).
  4. Go to the online registration link:
  5. Fill the registration form and upload the scanned documents on or before 25 February 2014.
  6. Acceptance notification will be sent by E-mail.

Note: Number of participants for this summer school is limited and the selection will be  based on the true potential interest in the field of software engineering that will be assessed through the answers given for the questions asked in the online registration form.

Registration Fee:

NITK Faculty/Research Scholar/
UG / PG Student
No Fees
Industry Participant Rs. 5000/-
Faculty Rs. 3500/-
Research Scholar Rs. 1200/-
UG/PG Student Rs. 900/-

Note: Registration fee includes registration kit, tea/snacks and working lunch along with the summer school proceedings in CD.

Payment Details:

Payment Mode In Favour of Payable at
Only Demand Draft (DD) The Director, NITK Surathkal Surathkal or Mangalore

Note:  Outstation cheques will not be accepted.

Note: Potential participants from outside may please note that the accommodation may not be available at NITK campus / International Hostel (IH), NITK due to parallel on-going cultural fest “INCIDENT 2014” in the same week. And hence, accommodation can be arranged at hotels at surathkal with tariff comparable at NITKs new (hiked) IH room rents. So, please contact us thro’ the email ID: techevents[dot]cse[at]gmail[dot]com for any such requirements. The accommodation can be arranged in the near-by hotels at Surathkal listed below: Hotel Name Contact Number (s) E-mail ID (s) Website
01 Hotel Sai Suraj International 0824-2478531/ 2478532/ 2478533
02 Hotel Sadanand 0824-2475350 / 2475570
03 Shrinivas Boarding & Lodging 0824-2478833 / 2476633
04 Hotel Shree Krishna Palace 0824-2477090 / 2477091
05 Hotel Maharaja International 0824-2475035 / 2475036 -
06 Sharada 0824-2475578
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Contact us

Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar
Head of the Department
Department of CSE, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
Hot line: +91-0824-2474053
Email: hodcse[AT]nitk[DOT]ac[DOT]in


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