Data Informatics and Analytics


  • Dr. P. Santhi Thilagam
  • Dr. Annappa B
  • Mr. Mahendra P. Singh
  • Dr. M. Venkatesan

Research Scholars:

  • Mrs. Bindu P V
  • Mr.  Ambikesh G
  • Mrs. Vathsala H
  • Mrs. Sumith N
  • Mr.  Manoj Kumar M V
  • Mr.  Likewin Thomas
  • Ms.  Keerthi Srinivas Shetty
  • Mr.  Manjunatha
Ongoing Research:
  • Anomaly Detection in Multi-layer Social Networks
  • Topic Evolution in Sentiment Analysis
  • Long range prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall using data mining and statistical approaches
  • Identification and Analysis of Influence in Social Networks: User Centric Approach
  • A Framework for Handling Concept Drift in Log Based Process Analysis
  • Optimization of Process Model using Prediction and Recommendation
  • Efficient sampling of probabilistic program for biological systems
  • Big data analytics on real time data
+ Journals
  1. Vathsala.H and Shashidhar G Koolagudi (2017). A prediction model for peninsular Indian summer monsoon rainfall using data mining and statistical approaches, Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 98, pp. 55–63. Elsevier. 
  2. Sumith N, Annappa B, Swapan Bhattacharya (2017), Social network pruning for optimal social networks, Knowledge based systems, Vol. 117, Issue: C, pp. 101–110. Elsevier. 
  3. P V Bindu and P Santhi Thilagam (2016). “Mining Social Networks for Anomalies: Methods Challenges”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 68, pp. 213–229, Elsevier. 
  4. Vathsala.H and Shashidhar G Koolagudi, Long-Range Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall using Data Mining and Statistical Approaches, Theoretical and Applied climatology, Springer. (In Press)
  5. Manoj Kumar M V, Likewin Thomas and Annappa B (2016, January). Trace Logo: A Notation for Representing Control-Flow of Operational Process. In ICMEBI 2016: 18th International Conference on Management, Economics and Business Information. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering Vol: 3, No: 5.
  6. Likewin Thomas, Manoj Kumar M V and Annappa B (2016, January). Optimized Path Recommendation for a Real Time Process. In ICMEBI 2016: 18th International Conference on Management, Economics and Business Information. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering,Vol: 3, No: 5.
  7. Manoj Kumar M V, Likewin Thomas and Annappa B, Concept Drifts Detection and Localisation in Process Mining, Information Journal, Vol.19 10 B (pp. 4611- 4616), Oct 2016, ISSN 1343-4500(print), ISSN 1344-8994 (electronic).
  8. Likewin Thomas, Manoj Kumar M V and Annappa B, Best Resource Recommendation for a Stochastic Process, Information Journal, Vol.19 10 B (pp. 4617- 4622), Oct 2016, ISSN 1343-4500(print), ISSN 1344-8994 (electronic).
  9. Venkatesan Meenakshi Sundaram, Arunkumar Thangavelu: A Delaunay diagram-based Min-Max CP-Tree algorithm for Spatial Data Analysis. Wiley Interdisc. Rew.: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 5(3): 142-154 (2015).

+ Conferences
  1. V. Tejaswi, P. V. Bindu, and P. S. Thilagam, "Target Specific Influence Maximization: An Approach To Maximize Adoption In Labeled Social Networks," COMSNETS, IEEE, 2017.
  2. Manoj Kumar M V, Likewin Thomas and Annappa B, Predicting frequent Execution path in information systems. (Accepted for presentation and Publication), in 2017 Second International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT 2017).
  3. Likewin Thomas, Manoj Kumar M V and Annappa B (2016, November). Discovery of optimal neurons and hidden layers in feed-forward Neural Network. In Emerging Technologies and Innovative Business Practices for the Transformation of Societies (EmergiTech), IEEE International Conference on (pp. 286–291). IEEE.
  4. Sumith N, Annappa B, Swapan Bhattacharya, "RnSIR: A  new model of information spread in online social networks ", IEEE TENCON 2016, Singapore, November 22-25, 2016 (pp. 2224–2227). 
  5. S. Goyal, P. V. Bindu, and P. S. Thilagam, “In-Memory Representations for Mining Big Graphs,” in Second IEEE International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, ICRCICN 2016, IEEE.
  6. S. Goyal, P. V. Bindu, and P. S. Thilagam, “Dynamic Structure for Web Graphs with Extended Functionalities,” in International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing, AICTC 2016, ACM, pp. 46:1–46:6. 
  7. V. Tejaswi, P. V. Bindu, and P. S. Thilagam, "Diffusion Models and Approaches for Influence Maximization in Social Networks," 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE, 2016, pp. 1345–1351. 
  8. A. Gupta, K. Pandhi, P. V. Bindu, and P. S. Thilagam, “Role and Access Based data Segregator for Security of Big Data,” Procedia Technology, vol. 24, pp. 1550–1557, 2016. 
  9. S. Deb, S. Mohan, P. Venkatraman, P. V. Bindu, and P. S. Thilagam, “Deriving Temporal Trends in User Preferences through Short Message Strings,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques, ICEEOT 2016, IEEE, 2016, pp. 4915–4920.
  10. R Reshma, Ambikesh G, P Santhi Thilagam (April 2016) “Alleviating Data Sparsity and Cold Start in Recommender Systems using Social Behavior,” International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology’16 (ICRTIT’16) , MIT, Chennai.
  11. S. Chandrakanth and P. S. Thilagam, “HiRE - A Heuristic Approach for User Generated Record Extraction,” in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, ICDCIT 2016, January 15-18, 2016, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 33–37.
  12. Manoj Kumar M V, Likewin Thomas and Annappa B (2016, January). Concept Drifts Detection and Localisation in Process Mining. In 2016 International Conference on Information in Business and Technology Management (I2BM), I2BM Workshop proceedings.
  13. Likewin Thomas, Manoj Kumar M V and Annappa B (2016, January). Best Resource Recommendation for a Stochastic Process in Process Mining. In 2016 International Conference on Information in Business and Technology Management (I2BM), I2BM Workshop proceedings.
  14. Vathsala H and Shashidhar G Koolagudi, Closed Item-Set Mining for Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall A Data Mining Model with Land and Ocean Variables as predictors, Eleventh International Multi-Conference on Information Processing-2015 (IMCIP- 2015), 2015. 
  15. Likewin Thomas, Manoj Kumar M V and Annappa B (2015, June). An Optimal Process Model for a Real Time Process. 15th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2015 CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-1371, pp. 117–131.
  16. Manoj Kumar M V, Likewin Thomas and Annappa B (2015, June). Capturing the Sudden Concept Drift in Process Mining. 15th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2015 CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-1371, pp. 131–143.
  17. Mahendra Pratap Singh, Shamik Sural, Vijayalakshmi Atluri, Jaideep Vaidya, Ussama Yakub: Managing Multi-dimensional Multi-granular Security Policies Using Data Warehousing.  NSS 2015: 221-235.
  18. P. Vasanthi, V. Tejaswi, and  P. S. Thilagam, “Time stamp based set covering greedy algorithm,” in Proceedings of Second ACM IKDD Conference on Data Sciences, CoDS 2015, ACM, 2015, pp. 110–111.
  19. M. Thejaswi, S. Vijayaraghavan, A. Das, and P. S. Thilagam, “Dynamics of multi-campaign propagation in online social networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), IEEE, 2015, pp. 1–8. 
  20. S. Rana and P. S. Thilagam, “Hierarchical Homomorphic Encryption Based Privacy Preserving Distributed Association Rule Mining,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), IEEE, 2014, pp. 379–385. 
  21. Manoj Kumar M V, Likewin Thomas and Annappa B. (2014, February). Phenomenon of concept drift from process mining insight. In Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE International (pp. 517–522). IEEE.
  22. Likewin Thomas, Manoj Kumar M V and Annappa B. (2014, February). Efficient process mining through critical path network analysis. In Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE International (pp. 511–516). IEEE.
  23. H. Vathsala and K. C. Shet, "Application of multi dimensional sequential pattern mining algorithm on non sequential multi dimensional climate data." Fifth International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing (ARTCom 2013), 2013.  
  24. Sumith N, Annappa B, Swapan Bhattacharya,“Data reduction by removal of lurkers in OSN”, IEEE TENCON 2013, Conference, Xi’an, China, October 22– 25, 2013.
  25. P. G. Srinivas, M. S. Chary, D. S. Kumar, and P. S. Thilagam, “Constructing and Exploring Composite Items Using Max-valid Bundles,” in Proceedings of IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, IEEE, 2012, pp. 843–849. 




Contact us

Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar
Head of the Department
Department of CSE, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
Hot line: +91-0824-2474053
Email: hodcse[AT]nitk[DOT]ac[DOT]in


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